Monday, February 16, 2009

Singing to Valentines Day banquets at Six Flags while gettng stomped on but still chill

six flags was sick.
Valentines day banquet was sickkk
sundays sermon was sickkkkk
true love waits rally was sickkkk
getting stomped in 2k not so sickkkk
getting stomped on fo real not so sickkk

4-2 i win still

friday-after school got my xbox back we played lips the whole time.ohhh myyy frikkin Jinju is soooo goooooooood at it i shouldnt be suprised though only way i can beat her in Lips is the game we;re playing the only way i can beat her in it by playing a manly song . after our sing a thon. i went to a valentines day banquet at Ericas church and it was realllllllll nice. super cute with the whole girls serving everyone and escorting the guys to the tables haha. and my waitress was the best and the prettiest duhhh even though she dropped food on peter, gave him a used fork, and was gone most of the time. hahaha. there youth ministry definately had alot of love for each other which made it real nice with all the good vibrations. and the lil wonder girls dance was cute too hahaha. after i got home we Gunbounded it up fasho haha i was rockin itt
fun fun fun



saturday on valentines day went to six flags for the True Love Waits rally which was sickkk. i drove to church and went 75 on local cuz im speed racer and im cool. haha sikee i went 75 and my mom started to FREAK OUT so for her own safety i went 35 the whole time turtle status? right. on the trip to six flags i actually had a real big fear of roller coaster. big big big big. and i tried to cover it up haha. we rodee the pbc van and it was uncomfortableeeeeeeee stuffing me buck justin and ub in the back ughhhh. soon as we got there we had two hours to ride rides before the rally and during the span we rode one ride -_-. but i thought we rode the best ride. X2 it was titeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. laying down and spinning around around around around haha. Golieath was fun too specially in the front seat with jaemoMoney screaming our buts off hahaha. too me tatsu was a big bust. and the corn was bombbbbbbbbbbbbbbb. and teh funnel cake dang. do not eat three of those or youll not feel happy for a while. bus ride was comfortable food coma haha. played 2k in it lost oee won one.



Sunday- Went to church and the sermon was by guest speaker pastor lance. about love.i really liked it all about how the greatest commandment that God gave us is to love with him with all our soul, heart, and mind. and we tend to love others stuff or people more than him or as the same as him. after church went yellow basket rolled with the classics and then chilled with Jeanne and PBC basketball game where we got rocked pretty bad bad bad bad bad bad bad. after that 2k 2k 2k won twice both by twenty. watched game tape at my house with Jimmy Hyung, kris , and jae. funny stuf that is.


today was just relaxing and just do nothing but sleep.woke up eight chatted with jimmy hyung. played some gunbound with justing and then jae and him came over. i got rocked by jae in 2k then i beat justin. after SLEPT then drove around cuz i can :) didnt go 75 though cuz safety comes first.

weekends are nice expecially if there three days.
too bad theres not one this week.
i need a hair cut for real.

politicall shieet who cares


  1. Valentine's Day was indeed "sick." Hehehehehe. I'm glad you liked it. :) And your waitress..pure awesome-ness.

  2. my waitress was the best and the prettiest duhhh even though she dropped food on peter, gave him a used fork, and was gone most of the time.

