Wednesday, January 7, 2009

im like the denver nuggets

its been a while since i wrote and people are already done with this. too lazy to writ stuff i guess.
if you know me youll know that im a fan of the denver nuggets probably the biggest fan you know, probably the biggest fan at west, and probably the biggest fan in torrance.

yes you can say im crazy about them whatever.

but i thought about all the things the nuggets are going and in a way its kind of similar to my life. this might sound stupid but its true.

ill start off at freshamn year when the nuggets were just an average team usually the sixth seventh or eighth best team in the western cofrence. They werent title contenders but they were still a decent team that opponents had to play hard against. i was just a freshman at West and i wasnt the smartest person and things were alright it but it can be better.

back to the nuggets
as the season went on things did not look so good. If anyone watches sports they probably saw the embarassing Madison Square Garden brawl when carmeo punched someone and ran away(tat dispointed me) that he would punch someone and that he would punch someone and runaway. the point is everything sucked since the captiain just got suspened 30 games(suspended means they can play for 30 games for the non basketball people)

back to me
distractions on every corner and first quarter ended and i was failing in 3 classes. yupp

back to the nuggets
OMGG ALLEN IVERSON JUST GOT TRADED TO THE NUGGETS. all of a sudden things started to look so good for us. especially since we lost carmelo for 30 games we got one of the best players to ever play on our team. things were looking good for us. sure we made the playoffs and had to play the spurs. nuggets took homecourt and lost it soon later and were eliminated

back to me
i raised my grades for all classes cept one so i had sitll had summer school. whoop de doo

back to the nuggets
new season. clean slate and with iverson and melo from the begining. it was perfect expectations were soooooo high. but nope other teams all of sudden started too good and the even with the nuggets winning 50 wins it was just the eight seed that was giving to them. ughhh and we played the lakers got swept.

back to me
sophmore year another year when i said IM GONNA DO GOOD. i did okay not what i expected, expected better. and yes i got another year of summer school cuz of that one class -_-

back to the nuggets
another new year. things arnt looking so great since the iverson and carmelo thing which seemed so perfect at first now seems like itll hav the same result as last year. traded away our best defensive player for nothing. can it get anyworse?

back to me
junior year. not so good. i expected bad things actually. got involved in some stuff was willing to do some stuff. yah it was not looking great for me.

back to the nuggets
3 games in to the season IVERSON IS TRADED FOR CHAUNCEY. things are looking good. and have been good. the nuggets right now are 25-12 virtaully tied for second in the western confrence

back to me
with the help of God and friends things are looking up. im done with messing around and im focused on whats important in my life and whats not 


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