Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The Present

It's already April basically of 2010. Wow time is going by insanely fast and i still don't know where I'm going to go next year. While my mindset was just on goin to El Camino and transfer rather than go to some random ass college, now I wouldnt mind going to one of those random colleges. Humboldt State wtff right? Channel Island lol. At first I was pretty set on going to Humboldt State not because of the location or education status but because of the things I'll be able to do outside of the classrooms there.

Even still no matter where I'm going to end up next year I am pretty excited. But for now its all about sennior year and chillin with the homies and other people who i wont be seeing much of and making the most of every chance.

Last Spring Break of grade school and like winter break im ready to have the best one. Im pretty sure it wont be better than spring break because of the length and during winter break i went to TAO with the homies but whatever happens in spring break will be tight.

and then just like that graduation will come. shiettt

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