Sunday, March 15, 2009


its crazy how much one week can affect your spiritual life. I've been good with God but after the month of February i realized how much i depend on Sundays, Fridays, POP21 to help me get closer with God because this month of February i strayed from God. It wasnt until near the end of the month when i actually realized what ive been doing. We were playing basketball and after had a prayer night and it helped me in so many ways. This year im really i got close with Shawn and Joe because theyve become like an older brother to me. A brother that watches out for me and makes sure i dont do any stupid stuff. The past few days have been much better spirutally reading the bible more praying more. everythings been really good.

Which leads to the fun saturday.
yesterday were the SATs ughhh yeahhh. sitting in a chair for 4 hours were not so fun and it doesnt help that my knees were killing me and i was still sick. after it was the PBC vs. GGC game with PBC winning the first series 2 games to none it sure was funn. then we made our Korean project its pretty good not gonna talk to much about it cuz your gonna have to watch it. Coming to Youtube soon itll be funn. After the Video we went to nrb AGAINNN. hahaha soo funn. justin sang a song this time. me and joe sang I Beleive I Can Fly yessirrr.

its sunday now
desciple ship class

goodbye beautifuls

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